Unroofedbunded oil storage platformsrequire a Trade Waste/Stormwater Diversion and Isolation system
Typical Rainfall IFD requires site specific calculation
Spill Transfer, First Flush and Stormwater Flow Rates @ Less than 20.0 L/sec
Connection of the treated waste water stream to sewer is approved by the local control authority
SDS600/150/150/HLA– Refer drawing – 600mm Square Class “B” or “D” Grated Cover, silt retention basket and 150mm Spill Drain and 150mm Stormwater outlets
Wash-down water, preset first flush and spills are directed to the below ground holding/collection tank
This option provides for a programmable volume (Normally 1-200 litres) of First Flush of rainwater arriving on the paved catchment being directed to the below ground capture and holding tank, with any further clean rainfall being quality monitored and directed to Stormwater.
If out of preset quality spec. water is detected in the stormwater discharge, the waste water stream is redirected to the below ground capture and holding tank until it returns to spec. at which point it is redirected to stormwater
A high level alarm in the tank notifies when the below ground holding tank requires prescribed waste evacuation for situations where discharge of the polluted water stream to sewer is prohibited
Dirty Water collection tank to be sized according to the accumulated first flush and spill retention volume and the required time interval for disposal of the accumulated water/oil content
Refer below Ground Collection tank sizing drop down tab
SDS600/150/150/PS&S/HLA– Refer drawing
For installations where treatment of the polluted water stream is required pre discharge to sewer where allowed, an additional float is installed in the below ground collection tank to activate a pump for transfer of the tank content to a secondary treatment system
Refer Oil/Water Separator Function and Selection drop down tab for treatment equipment details
Isolation of the discharge to sewer in the event of a major spill is actioned simply (under Site Operating Procedure) by turning off the power to the Oil/Water Separator Pump, this action will allow for containment and clean-up of the Spill, after which the pump power supply can be re-instated